Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Iran, Without Margin for Error

Why is the Gastric Sleeve Surgery Popular in Obesity Treatment?

The Gastric Sleeve surgery is the most popular and common operation used in the treatment of obesity and overeating and often is recommended by the majority of the doctors within the field to the patients due to its limited short and long term side effects. In gastric sleeve surgery which usually is carried out through laparoscopy, the surgeon removes up to 60 to 80 percent of the stomach depending on the patient’s weight and condition. The final form that the stomach takes is similar to a sleeve that has much lower food capacity.

How is the Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve Surgery Performed?

The laparoscopic method for gastric sleeving consists of surgery through several small cuts with tiny tools and a camera as a guide for the operation. After the removal of the greater part of the stomach, a small part is left behind, connecting the esophagus to the small intestine. Should the doctor decides, and the patient agrees, in the sleeve surgery, on top of the stomach shrinking and sleeve gastrostomy, the initial part of the small intestine known as duodenum is also removed, facilitating the flow of bile and pancreas enzymes from a separate route to the end of the small intestine. This causes the removal of a part of the food digestion route, reducing its intake. This surgery is considered among the easier ones to perform in Iran, and most Iranian doctors not only have reached mastery in this method, but also have and continue to act as educators to doctors from neighboring countries.

What People are Valid Candidates for the Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Although the Gastric Sleeve surgery eclipses other methods in popularity around the world, the doctors however also take into account the personal characteristics of their patient, their potential background diseases as well as their lifestyle, and following tests and screenings recommend the most suitable method of surgery to them.

Now let’s take a look at the individuals that the doctors have deemed as valid candidates for the gastric sleeve surgery:

– Individuals with and Body Mass Index (BMI) of more than 40.
– Individuals afflicted with pear-shaped obesity.
– Individuals not afflicted with type 2 diabetes and do not have the congenital potentials for it.
– Individuals that do not eat in small portions during the day and instead take in large amounts of food in a single meal.
– Individuals not afflicted with Gastric Reflux.

The Medical Benefits of Obesity Treatment through Gastric Sleeving

As previously stated, gastric sleeving is a popular method in the treatment of obesity with the chief reason being its fewer long term and short term side effects and complications compared to other treatment methods.

– Lack of extra digestion results in considerable amounts of weight loss.
– The individual consumes more food after the treatment compared to other obesity treatments.
– The stomach’s function doesn’t change, since its principal anatomy is not preserved.
– Due to the surgery being carried out in the laparoscopic method, the pain of the patient is greatly reduced and their recovery phase greatly accelerated.
– The Gastric Sleeve Surgery is an easy to pull off surgery, and should the patient be in need of endoscopy or other treatments, they’ll be carried out with ease.
– Appetite and hunger are reduced and the individual no longer suffers from extended and bothersome hunger periods.
– Gastric sleeving is a very easy surgery in Iran and is concluded in less than an hour.
– The intestines are preserved in the digestion route.
– Due to the preservation of the intestines, the individual will not suffer from digestive issues that are usually caused due to their absence.
– No external objects will be left behind in the body.
– The recovery phase is quite fast.

The Required Preparations before the Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The gastric sleeve surgery is meant to rid the patient from obesity forever and spare them years of fruitless diets. For this change there are a set of required preparations which the patient will be informed on by their counseling team.
These preparations are of importance concerning the improvement of the weight loss process as well as reducing the mental and physical side effects following the gastric sleeving operation.

– Counseling with psychiatric, digestive, aesthetics, and sports medicine councilors.
– Following the special diet program prescribed by the doctor two weeks before the surgery in order to facilitate the surgery and easing the weight loss process following the surgery.

Things to Know About Gastric Sleeving

One of the most delightful joys in life is tasting different edibles. Candidates of the Bariatric surgery should not worry about losing this instinctive joy. Using the Gastric sleeve surgery, the appetite of the individual is reduced; however the quality of tasting different foods is not hindered. Due to the removal of the part of the stomach that discharges the appetite hormone called Ghrelin, the individual simply feels satiety with much less amount of food.

Weight Loss, Increase in Mental Health

Obesity is the mother of diseases. Not only the body, but also the mind suffers at the hands of obesity. Depression, Anxiety, binge eating disorder, and nutrient absorption issues are some of the problems that the damaged mind of an obese person suffers from. Confidence of public attendance, confidence of expression and the return of feeling beautiful are the most important effects of weight loss and its stabilizing influence on the mind. In the research concluded by the Al-Zahra hospital in Tehran, it is summarized that weight loss resulted by the gastric sleeve surgery has a direct connection with controlling and overcoming depression and anxiety.

Gastric Sleeving, Easy and Accessible

As previously said, the gastric sleeve surgery is a popular and accepted method of treatment for excessive obesity. This treatment method has been through decades of trial and error, reaching stable results in the process. The surgery as it is performed in the lesser invasive laparoscopic method in Iran, is without a margin for error. In this method part of the stomach is removed, so the extra amounts of food is not digested, lessening the appetite of the individual. Fast recovery, limitation of change in the digestive system, and the lack of altered gastric functions as well as its few and manageable side effects are among the persuasive benefits for choosing the gastric sleeve surgery.

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