Dentistry Services in Iran, a Single Visit, Multiple Services

Dental services in Iran consist of a large group of surgical, reconstruction and cosmetic services. In dental services, these three groups are not separate from one another. Different surgeries and reconstructions can lead to beauty in addition to treatment. Aesthetic services also have healing and reconstructive aspects in many cases. The tooth is the important link between the exterior and the interior of the body, therefore its health and beauty are of equal Importance.

Dental services are diverse in Iranian clinics to the extent that we cannot name them all in a single opportunity. In general, there are three categories of surgery, reconstruction and aesthetics that exist in dental services, all of which are associated and complementary to one another. The mouth and the teeth are the main link between the exterior and the interior of the body, and their health is directly linked to bodily and mental health. When it comes to dental health, it is impossible to separate health from beauty. Children and elderly have always enjoyed special and specialized dental services for their dental hygiene and health. Here are the most important dental requirements and services.

Surgical services, the Path to Saving the Teeth from Destruction and Ruin

The use of dental services, especially in the field of treatment and dental surgery, is not much up to our preference. We have to spend difficult hours in the hands of the dentist to save and preserve our teeth. There are different surgeries in the dental field and the patient can receive every medical and cosmetic service of their interest once they step into a well-equipped dental clinic in each of Iran’s cities

Dental Implant involves the planting of a small titanium made cylinder the same size as the root of the tooth in its place. This cylinder plays the role of the root and blends in with the bone after a few months. The implant does not damage the neighboring teeth.

– Pulling normal and hidden teeth is done either with simple methods or a complex one through opening the gum.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery requires an operation theatre, anesthesia, and expert hands of a maxillofacial surgeon. This is possible in most specialist hospitals and dental clinics in Iran.

– Dental root surgery is performed when the root of the corroded tooth is suffering from abscess or cysts, with other treatments are not effective for it. Endodentists or dental root specialists perform this surgery.

– Gum Surgery is used to fix gum issues as well as those of the other protective tissues surrounding the teeth. Periodontists or gum specialists are the experts of this field. Other skilled and experienced surgeons can also perform this surgery.

– Special accidents surgery is reserved for those who have suffered a trauma or impact to their face and mouth. In the first phase, surgeons examine the jaw and face of the affected person, but the surgery is a group effort in the dental field and other specialists of the tooth and mouth field are entered into the treatment process in accordance with the patient‘s needs. At specialist hospitals in Iran, a dental clinic is placed to complement the hospital’s medical services related to facial and oral surgeries.

Cosmetic and Reconstructive Services, A Durable and Stable Dental Health

Those dental services, which are provided for the stability of dental and oral health, are known as reconstructive services. Reconstructive services are used to prevent possible damages to teeth and predicting potential issues lying ahead. Reconstructive services are used for teeth that:

– Are in need of scaling.
– Are suffering fractures, decay and even barely damaged at the tip.

Teeth filling has the largest number of cases among the reconstructive services. However, the treatment and aesthetic are two branches that are inseparable and complementary to one another.

Aesthetic Services, Complementary to Reconstruction and Treatment

A beautiful smile can further strengthen a person’s influence and charm. Dental services, which are used to improve the appearance of teeth, the gum or the mouth, are known as Aesthetic dentistry. Most aesthetic services also help improve your oral and dental health. For example, ceramic fillings improve the tooth color and lower the amount of grinded tooth enamel.

Orthodontics belongs to all three categories of treatment, reconstruction, and aesthetics and is highly popular. Orthodontics is a long term plan to readjust the teeth.  Orthodontics inhibits the tooth decay and provides a beautiful smile to its owner for the rest of their life.

Smile design includes any aesthetic dental service that gives a more beautiful smile to the patient. The most important steps in smile design include modifying the gum line, fitting the length and width of teeth, curing decay, bleaching, dental crowning, and even dental jewelry implantation.

– The Hollywood smile comes with changes in the form of the gum, length of teeth, distance, and teeth prominence. Achieving this smile is directly linked with facial features like sizes, colors and shapes. Following this stability makes the face desirable and the smile Hollywood flavored.

Lamination consists using the material of the same color as teeth to modify the form, shape, color, and length of the teeth, as well as closing the gap between them and treating their fracture. Lamination without grinding is one of the most delicate methods of laminating used for further beautifying the teeth in Iranian clinics.

Veneer composite is an inexpensive aesthetic operation on the teeth and similar to the ceramic lamination is performed in a single session. The veneer composite is the same color as the teeth and is glued over them.

Dental Bleaching is a method of relieving the dark hues that have been created over time by the intake of edibles such as tea, coffee, strawberries, and even tomatoes. Bleaching is performed with or without lasers and in Iran it is also used to treat genetic poor color of the teeth.

Special Pediatric Dental Service in Iran

Pediatric Dentistry is a specialist field within dental services with the pediatric dentist or pedodontist studying three additional years after their general dentistry course. A pedodontist knows the requirements for working on a child’s teeth. Although many believe that the child’s teeth will soon be replaced by their permanent teeth and costs can be speared, but the child’s teeth problems can in addition to the great pain they cause, also result in permanent changes in the form of the gum, jaw, and face. The permanent teeth of the child also need tending and caring for in the process of the child’s growth. It is very important in pediatric dentistry that the dentist is able to communicate with the child, earn their trust, and with the skill they have in their work, avoid scaring the child away from the dental service. Many of the advanced clinics in Iran have dedicated an entire and exclusive section with skilled expert and advanced equipment to pediatric dentistry.

Always Live in High Quality with Elderly Dental Services Dark teeth, dry mouth, dental infections, loss of tasting sense, gum diseases, teeth loss, asymmetrical jaw bones and oral thrush are some of the oral and dental problems in the elderly which are cured with some dental care, treatment and reconstructive services. Well-equipped Iranian clinics are always hosting elderly people who have chosen them to maintain and improve their oral and dental health

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