Endometriosis Treatment (Advanced Laparoscopies)

More than 10 million women around the world are afflicted with Endometriosis. Endometriosis is the condition in which the lining of the uterus, known as Endometrium, grows outside of the uterus and extends as far as the fallopian tubes, the ovaries, and the pelvic wall.

Endometriosis is more commonly found in women between the age of 30 and 40, although it might be found in girls as young as 10. Nearly half of all women diagnosed with endometriosis suffer from chronic pains in their pelvis, while 70 percent of them also suffer from pain during their menstruation periods. Infertility is also common, with one out of every two women suffering from it.

What is Endometriosis?

Endometrium itself is the natural tissue that covers the uterine cavity. This tissue naturally exists within the cavity and undergoes the monthly cycle of menstruation. So long that endometrium is confined to the interior of the cavity; all is as it should be, however problems arise when the tissue grows into other parts of the body such the pelvis. The tissue causes inflammation, bleeding and adhesion within the pelvis while it also causes chronic forming of Chocolate Cysts within the ovary.

When the inflammation and the pressure mount on the nerves and other tissues, it causes repetitive pains in the pelvis. Usually these pains manifest themselves with great intensity in women and young girls and may even cause infertility in childbearing years. Though, this does not mean that every person afflicted with Endometriosis will also suffer from infertility.

The endometrial tissue, or the lining of the uterus, consists of the gland, blood cells, and connective tissues, which grow mostly inside the uterus to prepare it for ovulation. When this lining tissue grows in parts outside of the uterus it will cause the disease known as Endometriosis. These tissues may grow in any part of the body, however more commonly they grow in the pelvis and become involved with the fallopian tubes, the ovaries, the peritoneum and peripheral lymph nodes below.
Often during the menstruation, this tissue is dissolved; however, if it has ventured to other parts of the body, this will not happen. For this reason, they will cause many physical symptoms such as pains to occur. The larger these tissues get, the more they will affect the performance of the body. Pain and other symptoms can have a major impact on different aspects of life such as working ability, medical costs, and sexual difficulties.

Causes of Endometriosis

Causes of Endometriosis are related to various factors such as the age of the person afflicted with Endometriosis, their weight and menstruation cycle, abnormalities in the uterus, life environment and abdominal surgeries.

Effects of Endometriosis

Effects of Endometriosis are named below and will be further elaborated.

  • Infertility, which usually befalls 50 percent of patients.
  • Increased risk of Ovarian cancer or adenocarcinoma due to endometriosis
  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Inflammation
  • Scarring and adhesion
  • Intestinal and bladder Complications

Factors Influencing the Occurrence of Endometriosis

Every person can be afflicted with Endometriosis; however, there are certain factors that increase the chance of contracting the disease which are as follows and will be elaborated on:

  • Age: It is more commonly found in women aged 30-40
  • Not ever giving birth
  • Genetics: having several relatives whom suffer from endometriosis
  • Medical Background: a history of pelvis infections, abnormal uterine issues or any disorder that prevent menstruation blood from exit
  • Menstruation history: Menstrual periods of more than 7 days and cycles shorter than 27 days
  • Caffeine and alcohol intake and lack of athletic activity: These will lead to increased estrogen in the body

Laparoscopic Treatments of Endometriosis

In order to treat Endometriosis, visiting a competent gynecologist is of paramount importance. For many, medication is enough. However, if Endometriosis is advanced and not treatable with medication, a laparoscopic treatment with Endometriosis will be undertaken.
Laparoscopy is a new and advanced method of surgery performed using cutting edge technology. Patients usually choose this option, as the pain and side effects of it much reduced compared to other surgical methods of treatment.

A laparoscopic procedure is performed with a laparoscope device which can be used both for diagnostics as well as a treatment method for Endometriosis.

In order to perform a laparoscopic surgery for Endometriosis, first the surgeon cuts a few small holes on the abdomen. Then, a small camera connected to a live feed is slid inside the body. Ultimately when the afflicted parts are properly enlarged on the display, the doctor will use surgical devices that are slid into the body to remove the adhesion and mend the tissue. Occasionally, when the adhesion case is severe, the surgeon must carefully distinguish between the cysts, the ovaries and other organs in order to perform the surgery sufficiently. In this method the patient will feel much less pain and will have much less infection and adhesion.

Benefits of Laparoscopy for Endometriosis

  • Minimum amounts of cuts and scars
  • Minimum convalescence period due to lack of invasiveness in the treatment method
  •  Reduced pain following the surgery
  • The ability to perform all daily tasks after the surgery
  • Not cuts on the abdomen and the preservation of its natural beauty
  • No adhesion
  • No Hernia
  • No infection after the surgery

Symptoms of Endometriosis

There are other diseases that share the symptoms of Endometriosis, these include” pelvic infections, ovary cysts, and the irritable bowel syndrome. Symptoms of Endometriosis are as follows:

  • Intestinal and urinary problems including pain, diarrhea, constipation and bloating
  • Severe menstrual cramps that cannot be controlled with common painkillers such as ibuprofen
  • Chronic back pain and severe pain in the pelvic area
  • Periods longer than seven days
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Blood in the stool or urine
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Fatigue
  •  Severe menstrual bleeding, to the degree that forces tampon change every two hours

The main reason behind Endometriosis remains unknown. Still, it is believed that factors such as increased estrogen, congenital factors, certain medical backgrounds, etc. may lead to Endometriosis. This disease brings with it symptoms such as increased menstrual pains and duration. Endometriosis can sometime be without symptoms as well. There is no definitive method of diagnosing the disease either, but with health of screening and certain tests it can be diagnosed. In order to treat the patients, physicians use painkillers and hormonal medicine. If Endometriosis is not cured with these methods, then the laparoscopic method is employed. In recent years, with the advancement of the medical science in gynecology, the faster diagnosis has led to most diseases being controllable and curable.

Endometriosis is not lethal or dangerous. However if not diagnosed and treated in timely fashion, it can cause serious problems.

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